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Air Make-Up Units

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GFS’ direct gas fired air make-up units provide an economical source of replacement air and are furnished with a heater, filters, motor and blower, controls, mounting hardware and auxiliary equipment.

Features / Benefits:

  • Eliminate problems with drafts, stale or contaminated air
  • Create balanced building pressure and maintain proper comfort levels
  • Introduce 100 percent fresh air to improve indoor air quality

Air make-up units replace contaminated air exhausted from industrial and commercial buildings or spray booths, with heated outdoor air. AMUs maintain a constant leaving-air temperature regardless of the incoming, outdoor air temperature. Air make-up units replenish equal amounts of fresh air for every cubic foot of air exhausted.

A direct-fired burner with a turndown ratio of 30:1 is 100 percent efficient — all the heat goes directly into the airstream. The high turndown capability allows the flame to adjust to outdoor air temperature swings throughout heating season. For example, a unit with a maximum temperature rise of 90 degrees in the winter can adjust down to as little as a 3 degree temperature rise for milder spring and fall weather.



